
Let’s talk about goals for a second….

This topic has been on my mind for a very long time and I wanted to share my experience in order to motivate and inspire you guys.

You always hear  about New Year’s resolutions, set goals and write them down and all that blah blah blah. But the real question is… Do you ever even do that? I always thought it sounded great but that was it. But since a few weeks ago I have been following a little routine, every Sunday I write out my goals for that upcoming week.

For example: My marriage goals, clients progress, business improvements, bible study, etc. Then I look at them every day during the week to keep myself reminded. When the  next Sunday rolls around, I take an evaluation on how well I met those goals and do it all over again. And I have achieved every single one, since doing this. It feels pretty amazing. There is power on writing things down. It is actually been statistically proven that you will be more productive and successful in reaching your goals if you write them down.

So, moral of the story is, if you are having a tough time reaching a goal, write it down, look at it often and reevaluate your progress once a week. Remember that most of the time you need WILL POWER. I encourage you to try it next Sunday. You’ll be surprised what you’re capable of. And the best part? You can make it up to celebrate every single one. It’s up to you.

Will you make the change?

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